The project

Daynà products are the result of research undertaken by Pascal Tribouillier and Gil Grillo with Indian suppliers, specialized in Ayurveda, traditional medicine of South India.

This approach is mainly focused on a cosmetic proposal of Ayurvedic recipes, in a concern of effectiveness and relevance in terms of hair care, with a Western clientele.
The research criteria were therefore essentially focused on the nutrition of the hair and scalp, their hydration, as well as on the effectiveness of these recipes to alleviate the natural drying of the hair and scalp, and the effects of chemical aggression due to the coloring process. Thus, Daynà offers both traditional Ayurvedic recipes, but also oils and products specially created according to innovative combinations, inspired by Ayurveda and adapted to a western clientele (textures, scents, ... for a better comfort of use).
Daynà products are natural and suitable for all hair types.

Our commitments

The compositions of Daynà products (inspired by ancestral recipes dating back more than 3000 years) are based solely on natural products (oils and plants, without the addition of detergents or petrochemical products).

No animal testing is practiced.

The packaging used (reduced to their strict minimum), are noble and recyclable materials (glass, wood and recycled paper).

Our Indian suppliers are located in villages in the south of India, in order to maintain the populations far from the big metropolises.

The company Color_of_India compensates for the CO2 emissions, due to the importation of its goods from India, by paying an indemnity to the GERES / Groupe Énergies Renouvelables, Environnement et Solidarités for these CO2-Solidarity operations.All our partners are aware of an ethical and environmentally friendly approach

Our values

The Daynà project is intended as a cultural rapprochement between the populations of India and the West, by allowing the support of local Indian know-how and traditions (in the specific field of hair care), and by affirming their qualities in the West.

Sensitive to the Indian people and more broadly to human rights, our various partners are part of a "world citizen" approach. In this sense, they are attached to the respect of the people and the environment, by following the ethics of a trade of equity, and by establishing a maximum of transparency in each stage of the process.

The company Color_of_India questions permanently its ecological impact. It favors the use of low-energy techniques and seeks to give a second life to the materials necessary for its operation (recovery of cardboard and packaging elements for its shipments, recourse to manual rather than machine, choice of low-waste producing techniques...)

The Millennium Ayurvedic Ritual of Daynà

The head massage (according to Indian techniques) and the use of Ayurvedic recipes, mixing vegetable oils and plant combinations, offers a complete intensive care of the scalp and hair, allowing to restore shine and vitality to the hair.
Aunique way to combine care and well-being!